I Had Period Sex Wearing Two Different Menstrual Cups

I never thought I would be the type of person to try something as unconventional as this, but let me tell you, it was a game changer. I was skeptical at first, but after trying it out, I can confidently say that I will never go back. It's convenient, comfortable, and actually made my period sex experience so much better. If you're curious about trying something new, I highly recommend giving it a shot. Who knows, it might just change your life too. Check out these dating websites for more unconventional experiences.

When it comes to period sex, there are a lot of different opinions out there. Some people are totally down for it, while others are a hard pass. Personally, I fall into the former category. I think that period sex can be a totally normal and enjoyable part of a healthy sex life. However, as someone who uses menstrual cups, I've always been a little wary of having period sex while wearing one. That's why I decided to do a little experiment and try having period sex while wearing two different menstrual cups.

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The Setup

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For this experiment, I decided to try out two popular menstrual cups: the Diva Cup and the Lena Cup. I've been using the Diva Cup for a few years now, so I'm pretty familiar with it. However, I've always been curious about the Lena Cup, so I decided to give it a try for this experiment. I made sure to follow the instructions for both cups, ensuring that they were properly inserted and positioned before engaging in any sexual activity.

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The Diva Cup

I started with the Diva Cup, since it's the one I'm most familiar with. The Diva Cup is a bit on the larger side, with a longer stem and a wider base. It's made of medical-grade silicone and is designed to be worn for up to 12 hours. I've always found the Diva Cup to be comfortable and reliable, so I was interested to see how it would hold up during period sex.

The Lena Cup

Next, I tried out the Lena Cup. The Lena Cup is a bit smaller and shorter than the Diva Cup, with a softer silicone material. It's also designed to be worn for up to 12 hours and is known for its leak-free design. I was curious to see if the smaller size and softer material would make a difference during period sex.

The Experience

I won't go into too much detail about the actual sex itself, but I will say that both cups held up surprisingly well. I didn't experience any leaks or discomfort with either cup, which was a pleasant surprise. I did notice that the Lena Cup felt a bit more comfortable during sex, likely due to its smaller size and softer material. However, the Diva Cup also performed admirably and didn't cause any issues.

The Verdict

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how well both menstrual cups held up during period sex. I think that the key is to make sure that the cups are properly inserted and positioned before engaging in any sexual activity. It's also important to communicate with your partner and make sure that they're comfortable with the idea of period sex. At the end of the day, it's all about personal preference and finding what works best for you and your partner.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, I'm happy to report that period sex while wearing a menstrual cup is definitely doable. Both the Diva Cup and the Lena Cup performed well during my little experiment, and I would feel comfortable using either cup again in the future. I hope that my experience can help to dispel some of the myths and taboos surrounding period sex and menstrual cups. After all, there's nothing wrong with embracing your body and all of its natural functions, even during sex. If you're a menstrual cup user who's been on the fence about period sex, I encourage you to give it a try and see how it goes for you. Who knows, you might be pleasantly surprised!